Alright, I am FINALLY back home with my big pretty computer and big pretty monitor... ohhh how I missed you.... This means that I have about 2 days to finish up 5 Layouts for the challenges over at My Life and Scrap (the site with a lot of <3) style="text-align: center;">

The best part is that is is 50% off right now :) You can find it
I am hoping to get a layout done with this kit tonight!
I have completed one Layout today (during nap time) It is for the Scrap Mix Challenge which is kinda cool. It is a neat place to get a jump start and the part I like best is that you can make the challenge fit whatever photos you want to scrap right then! Anyways here is my Firecracker layout (yes my little guy is a ginger lol):

Template is by scrappingwith
Kit is Chilli Pepper by Designs by Rozie
both were AMAZING freebies!!!
p.s. That font looks a ton cleaner on the high res version!!
Well I should get the kiddos to bed in about an hour then I am going to pour myself a rather tall glass of wine and scrap like a crazy woman!!! I will post some progress tomorrow! Until Then!
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